
Grupo Capoeira Brasil

It was founded on January 14, 1989 in Rio de Janeiro by Capoeira Mestres (masters) Boneco, Paulão Ceará  and Paulinho Sabiá.  Today, it is an international cultural organization, recognized as one of the largest Capoeira groups in the world with schools in over 40 countries.

Capoeira Brasil has its roots in the world-renowned cultural organization, Senzala, where the three founders trained and learned for many years under the guidance of innovator, Mestre Camisa.  As graduated students and later teachers at Senzala, Boneco, Paulinho Sabia and Paulão developed their own distinctive Capoeira style, drawing from the teachings of legendary mestres like Bimba, Pastinha, Eziquiel, Leopoldina, João Pequeno, João Grande, and Itapoan.  In 1989, after years of training, teaching, traveling and building their reputation in the Capoeira community, Boneco, Paulinho Sabia and Paulão made the decision to continue their work independent of their mestre and inaugurated Capoeira Brasil. 

The group’s inauguration was sponsored by a counsel of Brazil’s most respected mestres:  Itapoan, João Grande, João Pequeno, Eziquiel, Suassuna, Mão Branca, Peixinho, Gato and others.  Over the past three decades the group has grown tremendously, with teachers throughout the world.  Internationally and locally, Capoeira Brasil is dedicated to sharing and preserving the rich culture and tradition of Capoeira. 

Our Style: 

Capoeira Brasil practices a style of Capoeira known as Capoeira Contemporânea (Contemporary Capoeira).  This diverse and dynamic style is derived from the movements and methodology developed by the legendary Mestre Bimba as well as the traditional teachings of Capoeira Angola.  It is a reflection of the art’s continuing evolution and a style widely practiced throughout the world. 


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Grupo Capoeira Brasil - Graduation System

Each student have their own development timing. Our Graduation system is not based only on the student's consistency, but also on the skill level and engagement they have in class.

Crua / Raw: Beginner level, first cord.Every students begins at this level. Crua (in portuguese), or raw, signifies growth potential and learning process.

Amarelo-Crua / Yellow-Raw: This is a student level, second cord. This is actually the welcome cord in our group, at this level is where the actual initiation into the Capoeira world occurs and also represents a reward for the commiments on the beginning of the Capoeira Basics.

Amarelo / Yellow: Third cord, at this level students demonstrate a basic understanding of the capoeira game and also have a basic knowledge of the movements, such as defense, attack, transcitions and floreios techniques, as well as music and have begun playing instruments.

Laranja-Crua / Orange-Raw: This is a student level, fourth cord, it also represent a transition cord to the next level, Orange. On this level students have more knowledge and understanding of the Capoeira game, movements and also should be able to play basic instruments combined with singing.

Laranja / Orange: Beginner/Intermediate level, fifth cord. Students have a deeper understanding of the Capoeira game, utilizing many different kick, ground, and acrobatic combinations. At this level, students are also capable of playing the instruments such as pandeiro, atabaque and basic berimbau.

Azul-Vermelha / Blue-Red: Monitor, at this level and begin learning how to teach kids and beginner adults. As capoeiristas, they fully incorporate a large variety of advanced movements including acrobatics, strength movements, takedowns and can play all instruments.

Azul / Blue: Students at this level earn the title of Graduado. Students enter a new stage of Capoeira as they are assessed not only on their physical ability but also on their teaching, commitment to the art and their ability to communicate in their Capoeira game. Blue cords must have an excellent vision of the Capoeira game with exceptional technique, and dedicated training. A Graduado who begins teaching classes earns the title of an Instructor.

Verde / Green - Instructor: If not teaching continues as Graduado, capoeiristas continue to improve their skills, which now include teaching. They are very strong in the roda, and are equally strong in their instruction. Their strength comes from their ability to incorporate malicia (deviousness) and intuition into their games. It is malicia that gives capoeiristas their ability to surprise and confuse their opponents. Green cords must take their training to another level by incorporating an intellectual awareness of the art as well as strength, skill, and reflex.

Roxa / Purple - Professor: If not teaching continues as Graduado. Capoeiristas at this level have proven themselves as skilled martial artists and proficient teachers. They are regarded highly because of their progress and devotion to Capoeira. Their malicia skill, intuition, reflex, and vision of the game continue to increase, as they now apply the knowledge they’ve gained within the roda to their dealings with the outside world, and vice-versa.

Marrom - Brown - Formando: If not teaching continues as Graduado. Formandos are some of the most important figures in their group and in the world of Capoeira. They are the right hand of their mestres vital in the dissemination of the art form’s history, tradition, and skill as well as leaders in the group. It is their responsibility to continue their training and development in the art of Capoeira. Formidable players in the roda, Formandos can seamlessly combine all of their skills into a fierce and relentless game.

Preta / Black - Formado or Mestre after 10 years (some conditions apply for this high level in our Group): This is the apex for capoeiristas. Mestres are legendary for their skills, wisdom, creativity, and tact both inside and outside the roda. They have solidified their Capoeira game by fusing their physical skill, spiritual connection to the art, and vision of the game with the cunning and trickery they’ve learned throughout their lives. Mestres comprise the top echelon of all Capoeira groups and rightfully oversee the activities of their group. Mestres are also important figures in the community, maintaining and excellent relationship with their students and other leaders in their area.